Day 10: My Faith Formation
1. Recall all the people who have had an impact on your faith journey. Where is your 1st communion teacher today? Pray for them.
2. Reflect on how you are forming the faith of people in your life. Obvious impacts can be made on children and grandchildren, but how are you forming faith in the life of your spouse, your employees, your boss and your friends? Help them recognize the daily blessings from God. Use “Thanks be to God!” instead of “Congratulations” or “God Willing” instead of “I might be there”.
3. Maybe you’ve taken on the challenge to learn something new every day. Why not tweak that to: Learn something new about the Catholic faith every day. There are so many books and blogs available and with over 2000 years of material, you’ll never run out of things to learn!
Day 11: Veterans’ Day
1. Pray in thanksgiving for our military personnel who sacrifice much for our freedom.
2. Literally say the words “Thank you” to any and every military man or woman. (Rachel lost her college friend, Andy, in the Iraq War. She started thanking military men and women in the hopes that her friend Andy received the same gratitude while he was alive.
3. Volunteer at airport greetings, with the Wounded Warrior Project, at the VA Hospital in Amarillo and other outlets for Veterans.
Day 12: Parents
1. Pray for your parents in a very specific way
2. DO SOMETHING KIND for your parents. Surprise them!
3. Take over one responsibility for your parents. Do your older parents need help picking up their medication? Are you a teen who could do yard work or pick up siblings without expecting an allowance? Do what you can to help lighten their load.
Day 13: Occupation/Vocation
1. Pray in thanksgiving for your job and name three blessings your job provides
2. Pray for your coworker and boss (Could you even ask them to pray WITH YOU? Or ask them for their prayer intentions?)
3. Become a mentor to a new employee, a friend new to the work force or a young person.
Day 14: Parish
1. At mass today look around for 3 things to be grateful about in your parish
2. Be generous with your time. Talk to the parishioners around you. Look for a new face and introduce yourself. Spot a visitor and spend time with them.
3. Assess your parish involvement. Where can you help? What ministry should you step away from? Who can you empower to join a new ministry?
Day 15: National Philanthropy Day
Today is National Philanthropy Day. This day honors philanthropists who make generous donations to non-profit (or FOR purpose) organizations. Generosity comes in many forms, remember the widow with the two coins.
1. Pray that people in the position to monetarily fund your parish or ministry hear the call from God to do so.
2. Take an assessment of your savings and your will. Remember God doesn’t call us all into a life of poverty. He uses the wealthy to build his kingdom too. Remember Joseph, the rich man in Matthew 27:57, who because of his wealth was able to bury the body of Jesus in a new tomb. Add your parish, the diocese or the Catholic Foundation of Lubbock to your will.
3. Speak to your financial adviser about the Catholic Values Index. This index is made up of companies that adhere to Catholic Values. Did you know $1 out of every $5 is being invested in the Catholic Values Index? Where is your money going?