In 1962 Bishop Cornelius de Wit, Mill Hill Bishop of Antique in the Philippines founded a Congregation of women Religious known as the Mensa Domini Sisters (Missionary Sisters of the Lord’s Table).
In 2008, through the invitation of Monsignor Nicholas Rendon, then Chancellor of the Diocese of Lubbock, the Mensa Domini Sisters came to do mission work in the Lubbock and Slaton area.
The Sisters are called to intimate union with God and fellowship with others around the table of the Lord. They live a life centered on the Word of God and on the Body and Blood of the Lord. They strive to reach out to people in small towns, large cities, in the mountains, hills, islands, and even across the open sea. They are sent to proclaim the Good News of Life, Hope, Mercy, Compassionate Love and Reconciliation to all people.
The Missionary Sisters of the Lord’s Table minister as Parish Catechetical Leaders, Coordinators of Ecclesial Communities, service to Family Life, Trainers of lay leaders, Facilitators of Seminars and Retreats, Socio-Health Services, Hospital and Prison Ministry.
The Mensa Domini Sisters accept women who are filled with love for God and His people, have a readiness to follow Christ and are between the ages of 18-30 years old.
These sisters are usually seen ministering in their yellow habits.
For more information contact:
Sister Nancy Palanog, MSLT Missionary Sisters of the Lord’s Table, 5718 108th Street, Lubbock, TX 79424, by telephone at 806-224-5088 or by email: [email protected]