August 3, 2016
As a tie in to the Jubilee of Mercy,
youth are invited and encouraged to participate in 40 weeks of mercy throughout the
2016-17 Diocesan Catholic Appeal.
YouTube videos from inspiring speakers and local spiritual advisors will lead the youth on a journey of mercy challenges each week.
Challenges do not need to be completed in order nor does every challenge need to be completed in order to reach the goal.
If every youth in the diocese participates and logs 40 hours of Mercy throughout the Year of Mercy, the diocese will reach its DCA goal of
100,000 Hours of Mercy.
Pledge forms were provided at Appeal Sunday allowing youth to promise prayer, discipleship and gifts to the 2016-17 DCA.
To sign up for the text message alerts when new videos are up fill out this form and mail or e-mail to
[email protected] or PO Box 98700 Lubbock 79499.
Videos to date include:
#DOLYMC Teaser
Bishop Rodriguez's Challenge
Feed the Hungry
Give Drink to the Thirsty
Clothe the Naked
Subscribe to the Youth Mercy Challenge YouTube page to see more!